Should you consider Amazon's FBA?
Fulfilled By Amazon is worth considering.
Basically you ship to an Amazon FBA Warehouse, or Amazon Fulfilment Centre.
That means you have the option to have your products located much more closely to your potential customers.
There is a storage fee, but the costs of the subsequent postage and delivery can be much reduced.
Selling on Amazon FBA can be a pre-requisite to winning the Amazon Buy Box in certain categories, especially fast moving consumer goods.
FBA shipping can seem a little confusing at first and you will need to think through a FBA shipping plan.
An Amazon FBA shipping plan is required to ensure you ship and deliver your items in time to meet the requirements of the Amazon FBA warehouses you are shipping to.
FBA sellers who ship to Amazon late, or early, will get financially penalised. So you need to be organised and book a delivery slot with the Amazon warehouse.
You'll also want to monitor stock levels so that you can replenish when required.
Fulfilment by Amazon FBA requires a bit of number crunching. You have to factor in how much it will cost to move your product to Amazon.
And if your items don't sell it can be costly to have them returned to you, or to have them destroyed. So make sure you start slowly and test the FBA water first.
You'll also find that using an FBA warehouse, or Fulfilment Centre, in a foreign territory, will oblige you to meet local taxes in that country.
On the upside, any delivery problems do not penalise your seller rating. Instead those issues go directly to Amazon instead.
When to use Amazon's Brand Registry
Amazon's Brand Registry was relaunched in early 2018.
This is where you can take some steps to protect your products brand, if you have one.
Once you have registered your brand within Amazon's Brand Registry it can give you greater control over your product listing's quality and accuracy.
We can help with the process of registering your branded items with Amazon, if required.
Private labels can work really well, perhaps you could investigate plastic garden furniture, home furnishings, or kitchen items.
The product select decision should not be rushed, and perhaps buying a small quantity first to see how they sell is a sensible approach.
We'd always recommend you purchase a bar code for each of your private labelled products.
A UPC code or EAN barcode can make things a lot simpler to manage, and it's an increasing requirement to have one on the marketplaces. It will cost a little bit, but it's an important investment for your online business and online store.