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Amazon Fee Calculator UK | Amazon Profit Calculator | AMZN Calculator

Amazon listing services


Calculate your Amazon Fees & your optimum listing price


Amazon Fees are calculated based on a percentage of the Selling Price. The percentage Fee that Amazon charges varies based on the Amazon Category that you are listed in.

To calculate the selling price to make the profit you want, you'll need to know a few things such as postage etc.

Our Amazon Fee Calculator is free to use. And if you are interested in how our formula works, you can find out here.

If you need help in selling on Amazon, such as creating listings that can be found, and that sell, then get in contact with us today.

We offer a full range of Amazon Optimisation, Marketing and Support services.

PDF explaining our listing price formula available here.

Excel Spreadsheet implementing formula available here.

Need to find out how to profit on Amazon?

get in touch...

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Amazon product listing service

A Calculator for Amazon Fees is just the start

Once you have used our Amazon Fee Calculator, and seen that you can make a profit on Amazon, you'll need to ensure that you can get your items found and that you can manage your Amazon business fully.

To ensure that your product listings can get found on Amazon you need to optimise them - that means understanding Amazon SEO rules (Amazon Search Engine Optimisation).

You need to reasearch the Amazon Keywords and use them effectively in the Title, Description and Bullet Points.

Not sure how to do that? Or perhaps you know your listings are not performing from sales stand point. Give us a call and we can do that Amazon Optimisation work for you.

Selling on Amazon

Improving your performance on Amazon requires you to know every aspect of what makes up the total cost of selling on Amazon. That's why we provide our Amazon Fee Calculator. But here is a little list of other things you need to be thinking about to sell on Amazon:

1. Optimise your listings to ensure that they can get found.

2. Ensure your Amazon Listings use all the features that Amazon provide fully; such as the Bullet Point area.

3. Make sure your stock control is fully automated and operates in realtime.

4. Use repricing software to stay on top of the competition.

5. Guarantee timely delivery to your customers with reliable order processing software.

All of the above can be managed well with software, we'd recommend Seller Dynamics - our own marketplace management software. Get in touch if you'd like to learn more.

Amazon listing optimisation



Don't just calculate the price of your items.
Call our UK Amazon Listing Optimisation team to make sure you can sell them fast.

Call us on 01786 430076 or fill in our enquiry form to find out about our Amazon Listing Optimisation, and Amazon Optimisation Services